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ProPlan Sport
Lamb & Rice


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If your puppy is on this kibble it means one or both of your puppies parents does better on sometime besides chicken.  I would avoid chicken treats and if you switch kibbles I would avoid chicken.  Chicken is the number 1 source of allergies for dogs.

At this time the puppies are eating Purina ProPlan Active 27/17 Small Bites Lamb & Rice kibble 
soaked in hot water for about 5-10 minutes.

Feeding times are 7 am, 12 PM & 5 PM

Each litter is different.  The smaller the puppy the smaller the amount of food that they will require.  Mini's usually are eating about 1/4 cup 3 times a day.  Mediums are going to be anywhere from a little over 1/4 - 1/2 cup 3 times a day.  We will let you know what your litter is averaging at the time of puppy pick up.  
Make sure you soak this kibble for at least 10 minutes in HOT water.  It needs to soak long enough so that you can break the kibbles in half with your finger nail. I would highly recommend feeding your puppy 3 times a day until they are about 4 months old.

Your puppies nutritional intake will vary as they progress from stage to stage.  When you first take your puppy home it will be a time of big changes.  They may not eat well for the first day or two.  I would recommend having some beef broth on hand to use if needed..  

As your puppy grows and develops sometimes people have a difficult time telling if their puppy is the correct weight, especially if they have a LOT of coat.
Run your fingers across the top of your puppies spine.  You do not want to have your finger dip each time it comes to a new rib bone. And at the same time you want to be able to feel the spine.  Over feeding your pup will cause hip issues.  Under feeding is also dangerous and can compromise their overall health as well. 

Your puppies nutritional intake will vary.  Your puppy in the beginning the first day or so may have a decreased food drive due to all of the changes taking place.  Usually breakfast and dinner are the biggest meals for them and lunch is usually a little less.  But once they are in a home and active it will increase.  Once your puppy reaches 4 months of age you can start moving them to twice a day feedings am and pm.  My adult dogs range between 1/2 -1 cup twice  day.  You will have to see whats right for your puppy.


Here are some additional products that we use from Life's Abundance.  I LOVE this product.  Ever try getting a puppy to eat a big old fish pill?  HA HA!


This is perfect for puppies.  I recommend starting your puppy on fish oil one week after you've had them home.


Training treats are great for training tricks like the "here" command, down command, potty treats.... These little guys break apart easily and each treat can be broken and used as 3-4 treats.  They have Lamb or Turkey ... I would recommend the lamb. 


Porky Puff's are GREAT for puppies.  They keep them occupied and if they pick one up and are running around with it in the mouth... they look like they have a pig snout! I've gotten some great photos from families with the Porky Puff's and their pups!

Bully Sticks from Life's Abundance!  Absolute Must Have... a small investment in these will helps save your furniture!  

Chew Thing!


Cleaning Supplies


These are some of the best cleaning supplies I've found.  Love them!  They leave your home clean of puppy ick!


Here is a link to some other items you may need:

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